The Music Department at Lutheran Chapel Church helps people make a joyful noise in the worship of our great God. No matter what level of “musicality” you feel you have or don’t have, there is a place in God’s house for you to open up and worship through music.

Making a joyful noise unto the Lord is easy at Lutheran Chapel Church with our variety of vocal and instrumental choirs for all ages.

If you feel called to step out of the congregation to join one of our Choirs or Ensembles, please contact the music department at [email protected] or 704-864-6491.

Luther Choir – This group of 6-year-olds through 9th graders is busy learning to sing. Sometimes we dig a little deeper for our older students into what it means to offer music to our Lord. They present their music every month or two to the congregation. They rehearse after the service for 30 minutes or so in the Fellowship Hall.

Chancel Choir – This group of adults and older teens provides vocal leadership each week during our Sunday Services, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Christmas Eve as well as Wednesday services during Advent and Lent. Rehearsals for this dedicated group of singers are Sundays at 11:30 – 1:00.

Chapel Ringers – This group of teenagers and adults offer special music with English Handbells once a month and add flavor to our hymnody often. They rehearse on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 – 6:30.

Instrument Ensemble – This group supports worship during our feast days and occasionally throughout the year. Rehearsals are at 1:00 on Sunday afternoons 3 weeks prior to Christmas and Easter and as needed.

Psalm 98:4
Shout for joy to the
Lord, all the earth,
burst into jubilant
song with music